

El Espacio Virtual MICRO2 pretende servir de Comunidad Virtual.

La participación de los socios asociados es fundamental para aumentar el impacto y el valor del Proyecto MICRO2, en particular a través del coaching digital.

A los socios asociados se les ofrecerá, como recompensa por su compromiso y contribución, visibilidad a través de todas las actividades del proyecto


Para superar las barreras a la educación y la formación, el Almacén Digital MICRO2 representa un punto de encuentro online y un espacio virtual de intercambio donde las partes interesadas pueden presentar y promocionar sus servicios, sus eventos (se creará un tablón de agenda abierta para promocionar eventos y compartir enlaces virtuales para unirse a eventos online) para impulsar su visibilidad a nivel europeo, fomentando así los valores comunes europeos.

Our Associates

Tribeka Training LAB

Providing the best work experiences, training courses, workshops and seminars for students and adults, Tribeka is dedicated to bring value into every aspect of training and learning mobility. As partner of schools from all over Europe it has become the best and most successful Spanish work experience provider agency in the education sector. With a professional and committed team, Tribeka ensures consistency and quality, delivering world class services in a professional outstanding standard. As part of ETN International, Tribeka shares and contributes towards a clear vision about the powerful magic behind learning and training in an international environment.

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The Asociación al Servicio de la Investigación y la Tecnología (ASIT) / Association for the Service of Research and Technology is a private non-profit association which designs and manages projects related to technology development and local levels since 1989. Since its foundation in 1989, ASIT has fostered the creation and development of numerous innovative business projects. ASIT has also directly managed funding programmes for technology infrastructure, business modernisation, etc.

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Arrabal AID

ARRABAL-AID is a social and non-profit organization. Our mission, FROM 1992, is to work for full employment and social integration of people, especially the most vulnerable, supporting them through measures and actions to impact on the social environment. We must take good care of all people and taking care of the quality we give in our services, making the person served leave our entity having satisfied their demand.

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IT Solutions For All

IT Solutions For All is a non-profit organization based in Malaga, Spain, that seeks promoting training on ICT technologies (Information and Communication Technologies) for low-skilled people in order to empower them and let them function comfortably in the technological world in which we live IT Solutions For All wants to spread a genuine love towards new technologies and Internet, as a way to improve the quality and lifestyle of any person. IT Solutions For All ‘s mission is to provide free technological consulting services and integral solutions in the field of information, communication and management tools to disadvantaged people in order to boost basic IT knowledge in modern technical environments. IT Solutions For All’s vision is achieving short-term sustainable impacts in the fields of Digital Skills and IT solutions, with efficient management of resources, active community participation and the involvement of public institutions. In Malaga, IT Solutions For All carries out different activities to convey the idea of improving quality of lifestyle by using ICT resources.

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EPIC – European Platform For International Cohesion aps

The European Platform for International Cohesion (EPIC) is an NGO that was established in Italy in early 2020 to build on the experience of its members coming from various social and educational backgrounds to promote the values of European integration in all its social and economic facets. The core of the association is to promote awareness and ownership of the fundamental concepts of cohesion that stand behind the European Union. EPIC was founded by its members as a grassroot movement to counter the wave of the anti-European sentiment that started afflicting the dream of a United Europe by promoting with small but concrete actions the values of European cohesion. The spirit behind EPIC is one of “togetherness” and unity in a particular moment of social distress of the European dream. The purpose of EPIC is hence to promote and instil European values of integration and cohesion. EPIC organises events of awareness among civil society and groups of citizens to provide concrete and valuable examples of the many positive opportunities of the European Union to inspire the population at large and share the values of European integration. The purpose of those activities is to promote engagement among various cohorts of target groups, ranging from youth to seniors.

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ESSEI asbl

ESSEI asbl (European Society for Social and Economic Integration) is a Brussels based NGO established in 2016 by a group of practitioners in the field of International Relations, European Affairs and Social Sciences. ESSEI’s mission is to promote European integration through information, awareness and capacity building activities. To pursue its objective, ESSEI also carries out research and analysis of socio-economic trends influencing the process of European integration. ESSEI promotes EU integration by: 1) Creating knowledge: ESSEI carries out research and analysis of policy and regulatory trends at European level. Moreover, ESSEI hosts roundtables and brainstorming sessions among practitioners and produces articles, policy memos and briefs on most relevant issues and topics affecting European integration; 2) Sharing knowledge: ESSEI is also a platform for knowledge creation and sharing on EU integration. ESSEI’s founding members are recognised practitioners of EU integration and EU affairs, and have an extended network among relevant communities of practice at EU level that are also mobilised to share knowledge and experiences; 3) Brokering Partnerships: ESSEI as a networking platform to facilitate and broker partnerships among participants in the EU integration process (ESSEI’s working language is ENG, neither French nor Dutch) Since its inception, ESSEI has been active in producing policy analysis in a range of topics that relate to the various facets and implications of EU policies in the sphere of education & training for growth, employment and competitiveness. More related to the topics of the proposal, ESSEI assessed the operational and implementation implications of relevant EU policies in the area of skilling and upskilling of the European workforce, also investigating the impact of European Tools and Guidelines of the likes of Europass, EURES and Drop’pin. More particularly, ESSEI developed considerable experience in the guiding policy positions and documents that inform the Europe 2020 strategy, with particular interest in the flagship initiatives of “Agenda for new skills and new jobs” and the “Innovation Union”.

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CIRCLE was established in 2017 by a group of practitioners in the field of entrepreneurship, education and training to serve as a platform to establish international collaborative networks as well as facilitate international networks and cross-border projects. CIRCLE is a not-for-profit associating professionals with more than 15 years of international experience in the definition and implementation of projects for the promotion of international and cultural exchanges, European integration, training planning and delivery, networking, project management, entrepreneurship and business development. CIRCLE is active in the development and deployment of awareness and visibility campaigns to reach various categories of stakeholders such as policy makers, academia and research community and civil society at large. Awareness and information campaigns relate to the specific aspects of European integration with a view to entice proactive participation from partners within the European and extra European territory. Main CIRCLE’s areas of action are: - CULTURE: organisation of cultural events, conferences, workshops, study visits, international and cultural exchanges, international mobilities within Europe; - TRAINING: planning and developing training pathway on cultural and European topics linked to cultural exchanges, European policies and programmes, international exchanges, European integration, networking, entrepreneurship, business development, project management, administrative & financial reporting. - RESEARCH: developing of specific research reports on the European, national and regional policies; - PROJECT DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTATION: projects’ ideas and proposals development, regional, national, European and international funds, projects management at local, regional, national European and international level; administrative & financial reporting, meetings planning and organization within Poland, EU and Third Countries; - PARTNERSHIP BUILDING: definition and development of networks and partnerships at international level, including EU and Third Countries; - CONSULTING: providing consulting, support and assistance in the fields of business development and internationalization, enterprises supervising and management at local, regional and European level; - SCIENTIFIC DISSEMINATION: redacting and publishing (also online) of reports, papers, researches, handbooks, didactic materials, tools for supporting project and entrepreneurial activities, press releases, translations of above contents; The Association relies on an international network of practitioners from academia, public and private organisations that share the ambition of CIRCLE in promoting international collaboration and multi-stakeholder participation to advance European Integration. Based in Zielona Gora, Poland, CIRCLE represents a virtual hub for the creation and sharing of knowledge and exchange of practices in networking, entrepreneurship, business development, project management, training providing, cultural exchanges and is proactively engaged in international collaborations with partners from most EU countries as well as international partners from outside of Europe.

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Dunhill Ecopark Ireland

Dunhill Ecopark Ireland works to promote the micro-economy as a model of best practice sustainable rural regeneration. Dunhill Ecopark provides peer review and assists with dissemination in the south east of the country.

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Atlantic Technological University (ATU) School of Business

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) School of Business provides peer review and assists with Dissemination in the western region of Ireland.

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Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) Department of Accounting and Business Computing

Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) Department of Accounting and Business Computing provides peer review and assists with Dissemination in the western regions of Ireland.

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Maynooth University (MU) Department of Adult and Community Education

Maynooth University (MU) Department of Adult and Community Education. As long term Erasmus project partners with the consortium MU are well placed to provide theri role of peer review and dissemination.

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Faculty of Business and Hospitality Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, Ireland

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Established in 1955, IAL is a VET provider and practitioners with more than 50 years of experience: in the last three years IAL FVG delivered VET services to an average of 10.000 students in the age bracket from 13 to 64. With more than 380 staff members employees, 8 training center an average turnover of 19 Ml EUR (18/19), IAL is the leading organization in the regional VET field. For that purpose, the institution is involved in training, research, guidance and advice in Friuli, Italy and even an EU level. IAL FVG is credited for all its offices from the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, adopts the Quality Management System certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 and belongs to the register providers ECM (Continuing Medical Education) of the Ministry of Health. IAL FVG is Lead partner member of the Effe.Pi consortium, in charge of all the youth VET activities financed by the Regional Government of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region: the 12 members are all accreditated VET institutions and they cover the whole territory and all the training sectors. IAL FVG is also LP of the APPRENDISTI.FVG consortium which brings together 20 partners. These subjects deal with the training of all apprentices hired with a professionalizing path, external training and pedagogical support for companies. IAL FVG was a partner of the regional project "Imprenderò 4.0" aimed at promoting entrepreneurial culture, business creation and transfer financed by the Regional Operational Program ERDF 2014-2020. IAL has therefore gained considerable experience in adult education (unemployed, employed, and SMEs entrepreneurs). IAL FVG is also an active centre of regional and national networks connected to Research and Development and the business innovation sector. Through its training and consulting activities IAL has acquired wide experience in the area of entrepreneurship. IAL FVG provides administrative and management experience for many projects also implementing ICT and web community activities. IAL also participates in analysis and identification strategies about quality and qualifications in collaboration with various VET institutions, public and social partners (in the context of the Lisbon and Gothenburg Process and the Qualification Frameworks in Europe). An key economical component in the IAL system consists in complex multi-regional and trans-national projects, where training is integrated with other types of assistance such as research, consultancy and testing of new models.

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