
Skillnets Ireland

Skillnet Ireland is a business support agency of the Government of Ireland, responsible for advancing the competitiveness, productivity and innovation of Irish businesses through enterprise-led workforce development. Its budget for the current year is xxx and there is a match funding requirement from member enterprises of 40%.

Through 70 plus  Skillnet Business Networks it helps prepare over 22,300 businesses (86,500 workers) for the future of work each year. Preparation for Digitisation is a clear priority

There are six rural themed Skillnet Networks which provide part time Digital Entrepreneurship and other Training:

ICOS Skillnet for companies of all sizes in the co-operative and agri-business sectors.
National Organic Training Skillnet is a business network for companies of all sizes in the organic sector.
Rural Enterprise Skillnet is a multi-sector business network for companies of all sizes in the North West.
Rural Food Skillnet Rural Food Skillnet is a business network for companies of all sizes in the food and hospitality sector Nationwide. 
Farm Business Skillnet Farm Business Skillnet is a business network of farm businesses and smallholders in the agri sector
Macra Agricultural Skillnet Macra Agricultural Skillnet is a business network for farmers and the agribusiness sector.

While these networks do not exclusively serve rural Micro-enterprises but they are dominated by the sector. All networks have a significant degree of independence in their programme offering and digital entrepreneurship training is strongly evident in their course offering. Through MentorsWork, Skillnet Ireland offer a 12 week individualised Mentoring programme for member companies.  There are four Pillars covering People, Finance & Growth, Business Processes and Digital & Automation.   This pillar covers aspects relating to internal and external digital transformation of the business and includes moving the business online, marketing, building online communities, and automating day to day tasks.

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Enterprise led Training, Training Networks, Mentoring


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