
CPME: Empowering Digital Transformation for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

CPME (Confederation of MSMEs) is an influential employers’ organisation in France, representing a wide range of sectors including industry, services, trade, crafts, and liberal professions. With its extensive network of 110 federations and 117 territorial unions, CPME operates at both national and international levels as a social partner, advocating for the interests of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The organisation is committed to voicing the values and uniqueness of MSMEs, which include the commitment and risk-taking of entrepreneurs, the close proximity of MSMEs to their local communities, the solidarity within companies, and their dynamic and forward-thinking nature.

At the European level, CPME maintains a representative office in Brussels, enabling direct engagement with European institutions on economic, social, and environmental policies affecting MSMEs. It actively monitors EU policy and legislative processes, informs members about relevant EU policies, and engages in lobbying efforts with the European Parliament. CPME also participates in European projects, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

CPME is dedicated to supporting its members’ digitalisation efforts, providing a range of resources and initiatives. It offers online tools such as EvalNumPME, a self-diagnosis tool for assessing digital maturity, and contributes to the platform www.cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, which promotes cybersecurity awareness. The organisation collaborates with various partners and institutions, such as EducNum and France NUM, to educate young people about digitalization and facilitate the digital transformation of MSMEs.

Internally, CPME has established specific forums and working groups focused on digital transition, cybersecurity, and start-ups. It publishes handbooks and guides on topics such as telecom selection, best practices in digitalisation, and GDPR compliance. CPME organises events, partners with projects and awareness initiatives, and supports campaigns targeting MSMEs. Notably, it hosts the “Digital Trophies” competition, recognising traditional MSMEs that effectively utilize digital tools.

CPME’s comprehensive approach highlights its commitment to empowering MSMEs in embracing digitalisation. By providing guidance, resources, and advocacy, CPME plays a vital role in shaping the digital landscape for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in France.

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Digitalisation; Advocacy; European Engagement; Cybersecurity awareness; Digital Trophies


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