Confartigianato Imprese: Driving Digital Transformation for Artisans and MSMEs
Confartigianato Imprese, the leading association serving artisans and small businesses in Italy, has embarked on a transformative journey to support its members’ digitalisation efforts. Leveraging the momentum created by the government’s “Enterprise 4.0” initiative, Confartigianato Imprese has developed a comprehensive programme that encompasses information, education, and services tailored to the needs of its members.
Under the guidance of a newly appointed delegate for Digital Affairs and a dedicated Steering Committee comprising artisans and own staff, the association has established an online portal as a centralised hub for valuable resources and initiatives. A key element of this programme is the establishment of a nationwide network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). These DIHs serve as primary contact points for MSMEs seeking guidance, information, and advice on digital transformation and the incentives by “Enterprise 4.0.” Local experts at these DIHs provide tailored advice and facilitate access to competencies and solutions.
An exemplary illustration of this initiative is Confartigianato Varese - ASARVA, which three years ago launched “Faberlab” within its premises. Faberlab has played a vital role in providing education on various aspects of digital transformation, with a special emphasis on digital fabrication, benefitting both schools and companies. In addition to local and regional hubs, Confartigianato’s local offices offer direct assistance in areas such as e-commerce, customised digital transformation courses, and the development of educational materials.
Moreover, Confartigianato has collaborated with esteemed institutions to produce targeted guides for local associations and members, including practical guides to Industry 4.0 compliance and implementation. Furthermore, a national roadshow comprising over 50 public events continues to raise awareness about the benefits of “Enterprise 4.0” and digital transformation at the local level.
Confartigianato Imprese actively engages with institutional actors and bodies to ensure that the needs of MSMEs are accurately addressed in shaping digitalization policies and utilizing public resources effectively. With its extensive network, comprehensive services, and collaborative approach, Confartigianato Imprese stands as a reliable and influential partner, empowering artisans and small business owners throughout their digitalisation journey.
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Digital Transformation Support; Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs); MSME Empowerment; Industry 4.0 Compliance; Collaborative Engagement